- Establish the type of control system fitted to the vehicle.
- Confirm there is a trip, or has been an intermittent trip. To do this firstly observe the control system's TruCharge (battery gauge) display. This will behave as described below.
Flashing Rapidly
The control system is tripped.
Select the Controller or Control System from the Flash Code List to view the relevant Trip Code information....Flash Code List
Connecting a programmer while the trip is present will give you a Trip Code.
Select the Controller or Control System from the Trip Code List to view the relevant Trip Code information....Trip Code List
Flashing Slowly
No trip is currently detected by the control system. The slow flash is an indication that the batteries require charging.
A trip may have occurred previously, connect a programmer, view the System Log and make a record of the Trip Codes.
Select the Controller or Control System from the Trip Code List to view the relevant Trip Code information....Trip Code List
Display is Steady
No trip is currently detected by the control system.
A trip may have occurred previously, connect a programmer, view the System Log and make a record of the Trip Codes.
Select the Controller or Control System from the Trip Code list to view the relevant Trip Code information....Trip Code List .
Display does not illuminate
No power is reaching the control system.
Ensure the batteries are fully charged and that all connections between batteries and the control system are made. If these connections are good, then the entire control system should be returned to CW-IG.
Note for Vehicles Fitted with S-drive:
If a vehicle fitted with an S-drive has a single lamp/LED Status Indicator then the information above is still relevant, with the exception that the Lamp/LED will a indicate a Trip Code by flashing a number of times rapidly and then repeating the sequence after a short pause.
Example: Flash..Flash..Flash.. pause........Flash..Flash..Flash.. - This represents a three bar Trip
Actuators Do Not Respond
- If the vehicle has more than one actuator, check to see how many are not working.
- Check that all connections between the control system and the actuator motors are correct.
- Check that the actuator motor is not faulty. This can be achieved by disconnecting the control system and routing power straight to the actuator motor in question.
- If the actuator motor is not faulty, check the connections between the control system modules are correct. If the connections are good, then the module that is controlling the actuators should be returned to CW-IG for investigation.
Lights Do Not Respond
- Check that all connections between the control system and the lights are correct.
- Check that the bulbs are all in good working order.
- Replace any blown bulbs and check the system to see if this has cured the problem.
- If the lighting circuit is not faulty check the connections between the control system modules are correct. If the connections are good, then the module that is controlling the lights should be returned to CW-IG for investigation.
Other Conditions