Low Battery Voltage
The battery needs charging or there is a bad connection to the battery. Check the connections to the battery. If the connections are good, try charging the battery.
Motor Armature Disconnected
The motor has a bad connection. Check all the connections and leads between the motor and the Controller .
Motor Field Disconnected
The motor has a bad connection. Check all the connections and leads between the motor and the Controller.
Auxilliary Ouptut Fault
One of the Auxilliary Outputs has a bad connection. Check all the connections and leads between the auxiliary devices and the Controller.
Inhibit 1 Active
Inhibit 1 condition is active, check all the connections, leads and program settings
Inhibit 2 or 3 active
Inhibit 2 or 3 condition is active, check all the connections, leads and program settings
Throttle Trip
A throttle trip is indicated. Make sure that the throttle is in the rest position before switching on the machine.
Possible Control System Trip
A control system trip is indicated. Make sure that all connections are secure.
Thermal Cutback
The Controller has entered Thermal Cutback and is limiting Motor current. If this continues, then switch off the machine and allow the controller to cool before attempting drive again.
Excessive System Voltage
An excessive voltage has been applied to the Controller. This is usually caused by a poor battery connection. Check the battery connections.
If the problems persist after you have made the checks described above please contact your service agent.